LogicMonitor API NuGet Package

Panoramic Data maintains a LogicMonitor API NuGet Package, based on Version 3 of the LogicMonitor REST API.  You can find it (and a useful dotnet template) at:

Suggested possible ways to install include:

  • For a blank, starter project (see our video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqVgm8_rgPo):
    • type: dotnet new -i LogicMonitor.Cli (you only need to do this once on any machine)
    • type: dotnet new logicmonitor –name MyProject.MyNameSpace
  • Use Nuget Package Manager and searching for “LogicMonitor.Api”
  • Type install-package LogicMonitor.Api at the Visual Studio Package Manager Console
  • Type dotnet add package LogicMonitor.Api
  • Add a line to your .NET Core .csproj file similar to this but use the latest version):
    • <PackageReferenceInclude=”LogicMonitor.Api”Version=”2.106.2″/>

We are happy to prioritise development to accelerate your project.  Please contact us with details of your requirements.

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